%C2%A9 David Ligare
Copyright of the artist%2C artist%27s estate%2C or assignees
Copyright of the artist%2C artist%27s estate%2C or assignees
%C2%A9 James Childs
%C2%A9 1977 Steven Sorman
Steven Sorman
Théophile Alexandre Steinlen
%C2%A9 Emmett Williams. All rights reserved.
%C2%A9 Robert Cumming %2F Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C NY
%C2%A9 Succession H. Matisse %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
%C2%A9 Estate Muirhead Bone %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F DACS%2C United Kingdom
%C2%A9 Lance E. Kiland
%C2%A9 David Baker
%C2%A9 Estate Keith Rasmussen
%C2%A9 1976 Blythe Bohnen
Blythe Bohnen
Copyright of the artist%2C artist%27s estate%2C or assignees
Copyright of the artist%2C artist%27s estate%2C or assignees
Art %C2%A9 Jasper Johns %2F Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C NY
%C2%A9 Charles J. Roth
Copyright of the artist%2C artist%27s estate%2C or assignees
Copyright of the artist%2C artist%27s estate%2C or assignees
%C2%A9 Estate Edwin H. Lundie. Northwest Architectural Archives%2C University of Minnesota Libraries%2C Minneapolis
%C2%A9 Estate Edwin H. Lundie. Northwest Architectural Archives%2C University of Minnesota Libraries%2C Minneapolis.
%C2%A9 Charles Burchfield Archive %2F Burchfield Penney Art Center
%C2%A9 Herb Jackson
Copyright of the artist%2C artist%27s estate%2C or assignees
%C2%A9 1980 Steven Sorman
%C2%A9 William Bailey
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