%C2%A9 David Storey
%C2%A9 1981 Lois Lane
Lois Lane; Publisher: Parasol Press Ltd., New York
%C2%A9 Estate of Louise Nevelson %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
%C2%A9 The Easton Foundation %2F Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C NY
Louise Bourgeois; Publisher: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; Printer: Harlen & Weaver, Inc., New York
%C2%A9 Estate of Louise Nevelson %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
%C2%A9 Estate Mauricio Lasansky
Joseph Mallord William Turner R.A.
%C2%A9 Estate of George Grosz %2F Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C NY
%C2%A9 Maya Lin Studio%2C courtesy Pace Gallery
%C2%A9 Maya Lin Studio%2C courtesy Pace Gallery
Joseph Mallord William Turner R.A.; Engraver: Thomas Goff Lupton
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
Frans Masereel; Publisher: Pierre Vorms, Paris
showing 55 results matching creditline:"The Edith and Norman Garmezy Prints and Drawings Acquisition Fund"