Flaminio Innocenzo Minozzi
%C2%A9 Estate William Dole
Unknown Italian, 17th century; Artist: Formerly attributed to Ventura Salimbeni
Attributed to Cesare Dandini
Attributed to Bernardino Poccetti; Artist: after Andrea del Sarto
Attributed to Francesco Zucchi
Attributed to Jacques Courtois (called Borgognone); Artist: Attributed to Guglielmo Cortese
Circle of Antonio Circignani (il Pomarancio)
Attributed to Palma il Giovane; Artist: Attributed to Marcantonio Bassetti
Attributed to Francesco Fontebasso; Artist: Formerly attributed to Luigi Sabatelli; Artist: Attributed to John Hamilton Mortimer A.R.A; Artist: May be Guiseppi Sabatelli; Artist: May be Francesco Sabatelli; Artist: May be Giuseppe Piattoli
Giacinto Calandrucci
%C2%A9 Donald Lent
Pietro Fancelli
%C2%A9 David Ligare
Unknown French, 18th century
Unknown; Artist: Formerly attributed to Francois Duquesnoy; Artist: Formerly attributed to Nicolaes Berchem
Salvino Salvini
Raffaello Vanni
%C2%A9 Steve Wilson
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Attributed to Joseph-Marie Vien; Artist: Attributed to Eustache Le Sueur
%C2%A9 Estate William Dole
Copyright of the artist%2C artist%27s estate%2C or assignees
%C2%A9 Estate William Dole
Circle of Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri)
%C2%A9 Estate William Dole
Pieter Jacob Horemans
%C2%A9 Estate William Dole
%C2%A9 Estate Ulfert Wilke
Giovanni Battista "Tita" Lusieri
Attributed to Jean-Baptiste de Champaigne
Attributed to Giovanni Battista Ricci da Novara; Artist: Attributed to Cesare Nebbia; Artist: Formerly attributed to Agostino Ciampellli
Charles-Nicolas Cochin II; Artist: after Giovanni Lanfranco
Attributed to Baldassare Franceschini (il Volterrano); Artist: Formerly attributed to Correggio (Antonio Allegri)
Circle of Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri)
Attributed to Giovanni Battista della Rovere; Artist: Attributed to Giovanni Mauro della Rovere
Attributed to Alessandro Tiarini
Attributed to Carlo Marchionni or; Artist: Attributed to Pier Leone Ghezzi
Attributed to Jacques de Gheyn III; Artist: Formerly attributed to Jacques de Gheyn II
Attributed to Giuseppe Bazzani; Artist: Formerly attributed to Francesco Trevisani
Jean-Robert Ango; Artist: After Domenico Passignano
Pietro Fancelli
Pietro Fancelli
Unknown Italian; Artist: after Sebastiano del Piombo; Artist: Formerly attributed to Francesco Salviati; Artist: Formerly attributed to Michelangelo Buonarroti
Unknown; Artist: After Carlo Maratti; Artist: Formerly attributed to Jacques Blanchard
Attributed to Andrea Boscoli; Artist: after Polidoro da Caravaggio
Circle of Giulio Romano; Artist: Workshop of Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio)
Orazio Borgianni; Artist: After school of Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio)
%C2%A9 Estate William Dole
Pietro D'Asaro (called il Monocolo di Racalmuto); Artist: Formerly attributed to Pietro Novelli (called il Monrealese)
Unknown (British), 19th century; Artist: Formerly attributed to Francesco Bartolozzi
Attributed to Giovanni Andrea de' Ferrari; Artist: Formerly attributed to Gioacchino Assereto
Circle of Simone Cantarini
Fromerly attributed to Ventura Salimbeni; Artist: Formerly attributed to Francesco Vanni
Attributed to Cesare Nebbia; Artist: Attributed to Giovanni Battista Ricci da Novara
Federico Zuccaro; Artist: verso attributed to Antonio Viviani
Circle of Francesco Furini; Artist: Formerly attributed to Ludovico Cigoli
Formerly attributed to Ferraù Fenzoni
Unknown Italian, 16th century
Circle of Federico Zuccaro; Artist: Circle of Taddeo Zuccaro; Artist: Formerly attributed to Francesco Salviati or his circle
Unknown; Artist: After Andrea del Sarto; Artist: Cristoforo Roncalli (il Pomarancio)
Unknown Italian (Bologna?), 17th century; Artist: Formerly attributed to Agostino Carracci
Alessandro Maganza
Attributed to Francesco Vanni; Artist: Formerly attributed to Bernardino Mei
Unknown Italian (Roman), c. 1560s - 1570s; Artist: Formerly attributed to Girolamo Muziano
%C2%A9 Estate of George Warren Rickey %2F Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C NY
Unknown Italian (Lombardy?), 17th century; Artist: Circle of Pellegrino Tibaldi
Bernardino Poccetti
Attributed to Bernardo Strozzi; Artist: Attributed to Giovanni Battista Caracciolo
Attributed to Pietro Antonio de' Pietri
Attributed to Pietro da Cortona (Pietro Berrettini)
Unknown Artist (Siena), 1540-50; Artist: Formerly attributed to Domenico Beccafumi
Baldassare Franceschini (il Volterrano)
Stefano della Bella
Louis Gauffier
%C2%A9 Estate of George Warren Rickey %2F Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C NY
Attributed to Domenico Tiepolo; Artist: Formerly attributed to Pietro Antonio de' Pietri
Attributed to Mattia Preti
Attributed to Gerrit van Honthorst; Artist: after Alessandro Turchi (called Orbetto)
Giovanni Battista Spinelli
Attributed to Giovanni Battista Foggini
Attributed to Girolamo Siciolante da Sermoneta
Antonio Balestra
Unknown (Italian, Bologna or Rome, 17th century); Artist: Formerly circle of Andrea Sacchi; Artist: Formerly circle of Pietro da Cortona (Pietro Berrettini)
Attributed to Daniele da Volterra
showing 242 results matching creditline:"Bequest of Professor Alfred Moir"