Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy
possibly Master of the Madonna Grog; Artist: possibly Aert van den Bossche; Artist: formerly Master of the Embroidered Foliage
Attributed to Master of the Passion Diptych
Master of the Court of Mankot (possibly "Meju")
Master I.B.
Workshop of Filippino Lippi; Artist: Master of Memphis, possibly Bernardo di Leonardo; Artist: Formerly attributed to Master of Tavernelle (Niccolò Cartoni?)
Master of the Horse Heads, Netherlandish
Master of the Die; Artist: After Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio); Publisher: Philippe Thomassin; Publisher: Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi
Possibly The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
Master WH; Artist: Reworked by Master AG; Artist: After Martin Schongauer
After the Master of the Very Small Hours of Anne of Brittany (Jean d'Ypres?)
Unknown German, 15th century; Artist: after Master E. S.
Master M. (School of Agostino di Musi, called Veneziano)
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
Master NA-DAT with the Mousetrap
Anonymous Master M. Z.
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
attributed to The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
attributed to The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
attributed to The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
attributed to The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
attributed to The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
attributed to The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
attributed to The School of the Master of Mary of Burgundy
Master of the Die; Artist: After Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)
Master of the Die; Artist: After Baldassare Peruzzi; Workshop: Thomassin
Israhel van Meckenem; Artist: after Master E.S.
showing 92 results matching artist:"Master AS"