William Fowle; Retailer: Fowle & Wotton
Johann Friedrich Baer
Paul de Lamerie
Unknown Netherlandish?
Charles T. Grosjean; Maker: Tiffany & Co.
Christopher Eston
Edward, Edward, James, and Barnard (a.k.a. Edward Barnard & Sons); Retailer: David Ellis
Nathanial Schlaubitz
Thomas Ash
William Fowle
C. Benjamin Schlick; Manufacturer: Elkington and Co.
André Schiller
George Adams
Whyte & Holmes; Retailer: Louisa and Samuel Courtauld; Silversmith: David Whyte; Silversmith: William Holmes
George Adams; Maker: Chawner & Co.
Robert Adam
Robert Adam; Silversmith: John Carter
Paul Revere, Jr.
Giuseppe Sanmartino
Joseph Angell
Robert Adam; Manufacturer: Smith & Sharp; Silversmith: Daniel Smith; Silversmith: Robert Sharp
Rundell, Bridge & Rundell; Designer: John Flaxman R.A.
Rundell, Bridge & Rundell
Attributed to Johann Daniel Heimlich
Paul Storr
George Gallant
Gorham Manufacturing Company
David Willaume II
John Burt
William Gale; Silversmith: Joseph Moseley working in partnership, New York City, 1828-1833
Thomas Ash; Artist: Previously attributed to Thomas Allen
Pierre-Emile Jeannest; Manufacturer: Elkington and Co.
William Charnelhouse
Possibly Paul de Lamerie; Silversmith: Nicholas Sprimont
Benjamin Burt
Peter van Dyck
Paul Storr; Manufacturer: Rundell, Bridge & Rundell
George Adams; Manufacturer: Chawner & Co.; Retailer: J. Turner
Isaac Liger
%C2%A9 2015 Calder Foundation%2C New York %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Alexander Calder
Robert Tyrill; Artist: Bennett Bradshaw
Jacob Boelen
attributed to Joseph Angell
Robert Tyrill; Silversmith: Bennett Bradshaw
Abraham Portal
Jeremiah Dummer
John Coney
Jacob Hurd
Jean-François Veyrat
George Kitchen
William Kent; Maker: John Swift
Tiffany & Co.; Designer: Charles T. Grosjean
Richard Rugg
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