André Derain; Author: Guillaume Apollinaire; Publisher: Henry Kahnweiler, Paris, France; Printer: Paul Birault , Paris
Written by Francesco Colonna; Designer: Woodcut designs attributed to Benedetto Bordone and workshop; Designer: Typeface designed and cut by Francesco Griffo da Bologna; Printer: Aldus Manutius; Publisher: Aldus Manutius; Publisher: Leonardo Crasso; Book Binder: Huysburg Abbey
%C2%A9 Jim Dine %2F The Arion Press %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Jim Dine; Publisher: The Arion Press; Author: Text attributed to John of Patmos
Copyright %C2%A9 1939 Philippe Gonin%2C Paris
Aristide Maillol; Author: Horace; Translator: Reviewed by Madame Michel Roussier; Publisher: Philippe Gonin , Paris
Copyright %C2%A9 1926 The Cranach Press%2C Weimar
Aristide Maillol; Designer: Title page and initial letters by Eric Gill; Author: Virgil; Translator: Marc Lafargue; Publisher: The Cranach Press, Weimar
Roger de la Fresnaye; Author: Arthur Rimbaud; Publisher: H. Matarasso, Paris; Book Binder: Georges Leroux; Gilder: H. Berthaux
Hans (Jean) Arp; Author: Tristan Tzara; Publisher: J. Heuberger, Zurich, Switzerland , for Collection Dada
Max Klinger; Artist: Ferdinand Andri; Artist: Rudolf Jettmar; Artist: Friedrich König; Artist: Maximilian Kurzweil; Artist: Maximilian Lenz; Artist: Wilhelm List; Artist: Elena Luksch-Makovsky; Artist: Félicien baron de Myrbach-Rheinfeld; Artist: Carl Moll; Artist: Koloman Moser; Artist: Emil Orlik; Artist: Alfred Roller; Artist: Ernst Stöhr; Publisher: Vienna Secession (Weiner Secession); Printer: Adolf Holzhausen, Vienna, Austria
André Derain; Author: André Salmon; Publisher: Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Francais, Paris
Barbara Harman; Author: J. F. Powers; Designer: Gaylord Schanilec; Printer: Gaylord Schanilec; Publisher: Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis
Richard Bosman; Author: Cotton Mather; Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne; Author: John Greenleaf Whittier; Author: Henry David Thoreau; Publisher: Arion Press; Printer: Andrew Hoyem
Théo Schmied; Artist: after Henri Laurens; Publisher: Tériade, Paris, France
Vassily Kandinsky; Author: Introduction by Gérôme Maësse; Publisher: Editions des Tendances Nouvelles, Paris
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner; Author: Jakob Bosshart; Publisher: Verlag von Grethlein & Co., ZĂĽrich & Leipzig
Jacques Hnizdovsky; Author: Gordon DeWolf; Publisher: David R. Godine , Boston
Jacques Hnizdovsky; Author: Gordon DeWolf; Publisher: David R. Godine , Boston
Antonio Frasconi; Author: Walt Whitman; Publisher: The Spiral Press, New York
Antonio Frasconi; Author: Henry David Thoreau; Publisher: The Spiral Press, New York
André Deslignères; Translator: Leconte de Lisle; Publisher: Société des Médecins Bibliophiles; Book Binder: Yseux
Aristide Maillol; Author: Virgil; Translator: J. H. Mason; Publisher: Emery Walker Ltd., London , for The Cranach Press, Weimar
Lucien Pissarro; Artist: after Camille Pissarro; Engraver: Esther Levy Pissarro; Author: Émile Moselly; Publisher: Le Livre Contemporain, Paris , Paris
Aristide Maillol; Author: Longus; Translator: Jacques Amyot; Translator: Paul-Louis Courier; Publisher: Les Frères Gonin , Paris
Gabriel Belot; Author: Romain Rolland; Publisher: Librairie Ollendorff
Valentina La Rocca; Author: R. Martial; Translator: Jean-François Peyret; Publisher: Théatre Typographique, Courbevoie
Bonnie Thompson Norman , et al.; Designer: Amy Brooks Kirkpatrick; Author: Robert Bly; Publisher: Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis
Robert Mangold; Author: Susan Howe; Publisher: Grenfell Press, New York
Pierre Bonnard; Author: Ambroise Vollard; Publisher: Ambroise Vollard
Bonnie Thompson Norman; Designer: Amy Brooks Kirkpatrick; Author: Robert Bly; Publisher: Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis
Charles Ricketts; Author: Robert Browning
showing 29 results matching medium:"Woodcuts, letterpress"