Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer and collaborators; Cartoonist: Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer; Weaver: Royal Beauvais Manufactory under Philippe Behagle; Sponsor: Phillipe Behagle
attributed to Workshop of Lucas Wandandalle at the Faubourg Saint-Marcel manufactory of Marc de Comans and François de la Planche; Delineator: Central design by Antoine Caron; Designer: Border design by Guillaume Dumée; Designer: Border design by Lauren Goyot; Cartoonist: Central cartoon by a painter active in France; Designer: Border design and cartoon by Guillaume Dumée and Laurent Guyot
Central design attributed to Antoine Caron , or an artist of his generation; Cartoonist: Central cartoon by Laurent Guyot and workshop; Designer: Border design and cartoon probably by Guillaume Dumée and Laurent Guyot; Weaver: Faubourg Saint-Marcel manufactory of Marc de Comans and François de la Planche
François Boucher; Cartoonist: François Boucher; Weaver: Royal Beauvais Manufactory under André-Charlemagne Charron; Sponsor: André-Charlemagne Charron
attributed to Laurent Guyot; Weaver: Faubourg Saint-Marcel manufactory of Marc de Comans and François de la Planche; Designer: Border design by Guillaume Dumée; Designer: Border design by Guillaume Dumée; Cartoonist: Laurent Guyot and workshop; Cartoonist: Guillaume Dumée and Laurent Guyot
Border design and cartoon probably by Guillaume Dumée and Laurent Guyot; Weaver: Faubourg Saint-Marcel manufactory of Marc de Comans and François de la Planche
Francesco Salviati; Assistant: Giovanni Stradano; Designer: Francesco Salviati
Unidentified designer and cartoonist, probably Aubusson Tapestry Workshop, France; Weaver: Aubusson Tapestry Workshop, France
Central design by Antoine Caron; Cartoonist: Central cartoon by Laurent Guyot; Designer: Border design and cartoon probably by Guillaume Dumée and Laurent Guyot che; Weaver: Weaving attributed to the workshop of Lucas Wandandalle
François Boucher; Cartoonist: Jean-Joseph Dumons; Weaver: Ad. Camousse at the Royal Beauvais Manufactory under Jean-Baptiste Oudry and Nicolas Besnier
Unknown Flemish or French
Central design by Antoine Caron; Cartoonist: Central cartoon by Laurent Guyot; Designer: Border design and cartoon probably by Guillaume Dumée and Laurent Guyot; Weaver: Woven in the Faubourg Saint-Marcel manufactory of Marc de Comans and François de la Planche
Central design attributed to Henry Lerambert; Cartoonist: Central cartoon attributed to Laurent Guyot; Designer: Border design and cartoon probably by Guillaume Dumée and Laurent Guyot; Weaver: Woven in the Faubourg Saint-Marcel manufactory of Marc de Comans and François de la Planche
Central design and cartoon by a painter active in France , about 1610-1617; Artist: Border design and cartoon probably by Guillaume Dumée and Laurent Guyot; Weaver: Faubourg Saint-Marcel manufactory of Marc de Comans and François de la Planche
Clemente Maioli; Cartoonist: Clemente Maioli; Weaver: Maria Maddalena della Riviera and workshop in the Barberini Manufactory, Rome
Circle of Michiel Coxcie; Cartoonist: Circle of Michiel Coxcie
showing 36 results matching medium:"Silk; tapestry weave"