%C2%A9 Agnes Martin %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Agnes Martin; Publisher: Parasol Press Ltd., New York; Printer: Triton Press, New York; Distributor: Museum of Modern Art, New York
%C2%A9 Chuck Close%2C courtesy PaceWildenstein%2C New York
Chuck Close; Publisher: Parasol Press Ltd., New York; Distributor: Museum of Modern Art, New York
%C2%A9 Sam Gilliam%2C Courtesy Steven Andersen%2C Vermillion Editions%2C Ltd.
%C2%A9 Enrique Chagoya
Enrique Chagoya; Printer: Segura Arts Studio, South Bend, Ind.; Publisher: Segura Arts Studio, South Bend, Ind.
%C2%A9 Enrique Chagoya
Enrique Chagoya; Printer: Segura Arts Studio, South Bend, Ind.; Publisher: Segura Arts Studio, South Bend, Ind.
%C2%A9 William Wegman
%C2%A9 The Saul Steinberg Foundation %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Saul Steinberg; Publisher: The Committee to Endow a Chair in Honor of Meyer Schapiro, at Columbia University, New York
%C2%A9Red Grooms %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Red Grooms; Publisher: Brooke Alexander Editions, New York; Publisher: Marlborough Graphics, New York
%C2%A9 John Newman
John Newman; Printer: Vermillion Editions Limited, Minneapolis; Publisher: First Bank, Minneapolis
%C2%A9 Christine Benson
Christine Benson; Printer: Vermillion Editions Limited, Minneapolis; Publisher: Vermillion Editions Limited, Minneapolis
%C2%A9 Agnes Story
%C2%A9 Thomas Rose
%C2%A9 The Saul Steinberg Foundation %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
%C2%A9 1982 Steven Sorman
%C2%A9 Sam Gilliam%2C Courtesy Steven Andersen%2C Vermillion Editions%2C Ltd.
%C2%A9Red Grooms %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Red Grooms; Publisher: Brooke Alexander, New York; Publisher: Marlborough Graphics, New York
%C2%A9 Sam Gilliam%2C Courtesy Steven Andersen%2C Vermillion Editions%2C Ltd.
%C2%A9 Sam Gilliam%2C Courtesy Steven Andersen%2C Vermillion Editions%2C Ltd.
%C2%A9 Sam Gilliam%2C Courtesy Steven Andersen%2C Vermillion Editions%2C Ltd.
%C2%A9 Sam Gilliam%2C Courtesy Steven Andersen%2C Vermillion Editions%2C Ltd.
%C2%A9 Thomas Rose
%C2%A9 Sam Gilliam%2C Courtesy Steven Andersen%2C Vermillion Editions%2C Ltd.
%C2%A9 Sam Gilliam%2C Courtesy Steven Andersen%2C Vermillion Editions%2C Ltd.
Robert Mangold
Sylvia Plimack Mangold; Printer: A. Colish Press; Publisher: Parasol Press Ltd., New York
%C2%A9 1982 Hollis Sigler
%C2%A9 John Newman
%C2%A9 Sam Gilliam%2C Courtesy Steven Andersen%2C Vermillion Editions%2C Ltd.
Don Nice; Printer: Aaron Arnow; Publisher: Parasol Press Ltd., New York
Richard Artschwager; Publisher: Parasol Press Ltd., New York; Distributor: Museum of Modern Art, New York
%C2%A9 Richard Guindon
Richard Guindon; Printer: Vermillion Editions Limited, Minneapolis; Publisher: Vermillion Editions Limited, Minneapolis
Daniel Buren; Printer: Aaron Arnow; Producer: (Matrix) Unity Engraving Company, Inc., Englewood, New Jersey; Publisher: Parasol Press Ltd., New York; Distributor: Musuem of Modern Art, New York
Barry Le Va; Printer: Aaron Arnow; Maker: Rubber stamp produced by Unity Engraving Company, Inc., Englewood, New Jersey; Publisher: Parasol Press Ltd., New York; Distributor: Museum of Modern Art, New York
showing 39 results matching medium:"Rubber stamp"