medium:"Pen and brown ink"
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Unknown French, 19th century
Albert Besnard
Henry Somm (François Clément Sommier)
Master of 1518
Giacinto Calandrucci
Giovanni Lanfranco
Ercole Bazzicaluva
Francesco Allegrini
Attributed to Francesco Allegrini
Attributed to Carlo Urbino
Stefano della Bella
Benedetto Brandimarti
Guiseppe Valeriani
Attributed to Jacques de Gheyn III; Artist: Formerly attributed to Jacques de Gheyn II
Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri)
Attributed to Francesco Allegrini; Artist: Unknown Italian, 17th century
Pietro Testa
Circle of Simone Cantarini
Attributed to Alonso Cano
Filippo Pelagio Palagi
Federico Zuccaro; Artist: verso attributed to Antonio Viviani
William Etty R.A.
Attributed to Anton Eisenhoit; Artist: Formerly attributed to Lelio Orsi
Heinrich Kley
Sir George Clausen
Attributed to Pellegrino Tibaldi
Jan van Goyen
Thomas Rowlandson
Battista Franco
Charles-Alphonse Dufresnoy
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison
Attributed to Francesco Zucchi
Antonio del Castillo
Domenico Tiepolo
Circle of Luca Cambiaso
Pseudo Gherardi
Lazzaro Tavarone
Jacopo Zucchi and studio
Attributed to Giovan Paolo Pisani; Artist: Unknown Italian (Tuscan), mid-16th century; Artist: Formerly attributed to Alessandro di Agostino Casolani
Baldassare Cavallotti
Attributed to Palma il Giovane
Unknown Italian, early 19th century
Carlo Saraceni
Pier Antonio Novelli
Circle of Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri)
Francesco Simonini
Gaspare Diziani
Jan de Bisschop
Unknown German or French ?, early 19th century
Jacques Stella
Unknown Italian, 17th century
Paolo Farinati; Artist: Circle of Orazio Samacchini; Artist: Unknown Italian (Bologna), late 16th century; Artist: Formerly attributed to Bernardino Lanino
Circle of Giulio Romano; Artist: Workshop of Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio)
%C2%A9 Estate of Pablo Picasso %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Pablo Picasso
Leonardo Alenza y Nieto
Unknown Italian, 16th century
Antonio Tempesta
Attributed to Simone Papa III
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F ADAGP%2C Paris
Jacques Villon
Constantin Guys
Imitator of Pier Leone Ghezzi; Artist: Formerly attributed to Pier Leone Ghezzi
Giovanni Baglione
Domenico Peruzzini
Bernardino Poccetti
Giovanni Battista Caracciolo
%C2%A9 Estate of Albert Paris von G%C3%BCtersloh %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Albert Paris von Gütersloh
Pietro Fancelli
Unknown Artist (Siena), 1540-50; Artist: Formerly attributed to Domenico Beccafumi
Francesco Grigiotti
Pietro da Cortona (Pietro Berrettini)
Sir David Wilkie; Miniaturist: Sir William John Newton
Pietro D'Asaro (called il Monocolo di Racalmuto); Artist: Formerly attributed to Pietro Novelli (called il Monrealese)
Henri Lehmann
Unknown Italian (Neapolitan), 17th century
Unknown French, 18th century
Giacomo Quarenghi
Circle of Giambattista Tiepolo (Giovanni Battista Tiepolo)
Giuliano Traballesi
Unknown artist (Italian, 16th century); Artist: Formerly attributed to Rosso Fiorentino or his circle
Lovis Corinth
Francesco Guardi
Attributed to Jean-Baptiste de Champaigne
Attributed to Baldassare Cavallotti
Unknown Italian, 19th century
Unknown early 19th century
Attributed to Giovanni Battista della Rovere; Artist: Attributed to Giovanni Mauro della Rovere
Attributed to Carlo Marchionni or; Artist: Attributed to Pier Leone Ghezzi
Giovanni Giuseppe Jarmorini
Jean-Baptiste Isabey
Unknown German, early 19th century
Attributed to Giuseppe Bazzani; Artist: Formerly attributed to Francesco Trevisani
Victor Jean Nicolle; Artist: Previously attr. to Unknown French, 18th century
Corrado Giaquinto
Attributed to Carlo Maratti
Attributed to Andrea Boscoli; Artist: after Polidoro da Caravaggio
Attributed to Leonardo Scaglia
Tommaso Redi
Unknown Dutch, 17th century
Circle of Federico Zuccaro; Artist: Circle of Taddeo Zuccaro; Artist: Formerly attributed to Francesco Salviati or his circle
Follower of Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri)
Unknown , French
Unknown; Artist: after Stefano della Bella
Félix Bracquemond
Pier Leone Ghezzi
Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)
Jean-Baptiste Le Prince
Unknown Flemish, 17th century
Luca Cambiaso or his workshop
Follower of Donato Creti
Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini
Prospero Fontana
Joseph Wilton
Giambattista Tiepolo (Giovanni Battista Tiepolo)
Cherubino Alberti
Bernardino Galliari
Michael Baschiloff
Attributed to Pietro Antonio de' Pietri
Attributed to Pietro da Cortona (Pietro Berrettini)
Pier Francesco Mola
Attributed to Domenico Tiepolo; Artist: Formerly attributed to Pietro Antonio de' Pietri
Formerly attributed to Cavaliere d'Arpino
Pirro Ligorio
Martin Knoller
Paolo Pagani
Pasquale Cati
Attributed to Giulio Benso
Attributed to Francesco Fontebasso; Artist: Formerly attributed to Luigi Sabatelli; Artist: Attributed to John Hamilton Mortimer A.R.A; Artist: May be Guiseppi Sabatelli; Artist: May be Francesco Sabatelli; Artist: May be Giuseppe Piattoli
Giuseppe Bezzuoli
Raffaello Vanni
Maerten de Vos
Pietro Antonio de' Pietri
Attributed to Paulus van Vianen
Attributed to Giulio Romano
Palma il Giovane
Antonio Zucchi
Circle of Luigi Sabatelli
Attributed to Cesare Nebbia; Artist: Attributed to Giovanni Battista Ricci da Novara
Patricio Cajes
Formerly attributed to Ferraù Fenzoni
Giovanni Battista della Rovere
Alessandro Maganza
Domenico Piola
Michel Corneille
Charles Joseph Natoire
Bernard Picart
Jean-Jacques Lagrenée
after Simone Cantarini; Artist: Unknown Italian; Artist: Formerly attributed to Donato Creti
Augustin Pajou
John Leech
Francesco Solimena
Gaetano Gandolfi
Giovanni Battista Foggini; Maker: Giovanni Paoli Schorr
attributed to Pieter de With
Ralph Albert Blakelock
Jacob Cats
Unknown Italian, 18th century; Artist: Formerly attributed to Unknown French, 18th century
Christian Friedrich Tieck
Jacob de Gheyn, the Younger
Gerard Van Nijmegen
Unknown Italian (Lombardy?), 17th century; Artist: Circle of Pellegrino Tibaldi
Giovanni Maria Tamburini
Unknown Italian, late 18th - early 19th century
Attributed to Giacinto Brandi
Ludovico Carracci
Baldassare Franceschini (il Volterrano)
Jacopo Zucchi
Matteo Rosselli
Pellegrino Tibaldi
Louis Gauffier
George Romney
Salvator Rosa
Giovanni Battista Spinelli
Attributed to Giovanni Battista Foggini
Attributed to Girolamo Siciolante da Sermoneta
Marco Boschini
Sir David Wilkie
Attributed to Palma il Giovane; Artist: Attributed to Marcantonio Bassetti
Fromerly attributed to Ventura Salimbeni; Artist: Formerly attributed to Francesco Vanni
Luigi Sabatelli
Joannes Stradanus (Jan van der Straet); Engraver: Jan Collaert II; Publisher: Philips Galle
Jan Thomas van Yperen
Simon Vouet
Pomponio Amalteo
Attributed to Jacopo Ligozzi
Attributed to Ortensio Crespi
Federico Zuccaro
Jean-Baptiste Greuze
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