Lazzaro Tavarone
Attributed to Francesco Allegrini; Artist: Unknown Italian, 17th century
Attributed to Francesco Allegrini; Artist: Unknown Italian, 17th century
Attributed to Francesco Allegrini; Artist: Unknown Italian, 17th century
Attributed to Francesco Allegrini; Artist: Unknown Italian, 17th century
Giovanni Baglione
Unknown Italian (Neapolitan), 17th century
Attributed to Jean-Baptiste de Champaigne
Victor Jean Nicolle; Artist: Previously attr. to Unknown French, 18th century
Attributed to Carlo Maratti
Attributed to Andrea Boscoli; Artist: after Polidoro da Caravaggio
Unknown Dutch, 17th century
Attributed to Pietro Antonio de' Pietri
Attributed to Pietro da Cortona (Pietro Berrettini)
Unknown German, early 19th century
Pietro D'Asaro (called il Monocolo di Racalmuto); Artist: Formerly attributed to Pietro Novelli (called il Monrealese)
Louis Gauffier
Attributed to Palma il Giovane; Artist: Attributed to Marcantonio Bassetti
showing 55 results matching medium:"Pen and brown ink and wash"