Valerie Haller; Author: Bart Plantenga; Publisher: Lil Dude Graphics, Ocean Grove, N.J.
Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
New York New Abolitionists; Publisher: New York New Abolitionists , New York
Caroline Paquita-Kern; Author: Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Stewart Home; Printer: Salamander Press Ltd., London; Publisher: Sabotage Editions, London
Aaron Cometbus; Author: Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Fly NYC , et al.; Author: Fly NYC , et al.; Publisher: Fly NYC , et al., New York
Aaron Cometbus; Author: Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Liz Suburbia , et al.; Printer: McNaughton & Gunn; Publisher: Avi Ehrlich; Publisher: Last Gasp, San Francisco
Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Aaron Cometbus; Author: Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Jo Treggiari; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Matthew Stephen Meinzer; Publisher: MSM TWS Comics, Staten Island
Aaron Cometbus; Author: Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Justin Melkmann; Publisher: ComiXpress
Unknown; Printer: In Our Hearts, New York; Distributor: In Our Hearts, New York
David Rovics; Publisher: PM Press, Oakland
Richard Loranger; Publisher: We Press
Kelly Leigh; Author: Cole Robertson; Publisher: The Purple Thistle Centre, Vancouver
Patricia Arrott , et al.; Publisher: Spring Studio, New York
Nate Powell; Author: Kent McClard; Publisher: Ebullition Records, Goleta, Calif.
Joey; Publisher: Joey , San Francisco
Jenna Freedman; Editor: Suckzoo Han; Publisher: ABC No Rio, New York
Anarchist Book Fair, New York; Publisher: Anarchist Book Fair, New York
Nayden; Printer: Budget Printing, Vancouver; Publisher: The Purple Thistle Center, Vancouver
Cristy C. Road; Author: Cristy C. Road; Publisher: Microcosm Publishing, Bloomington, Ind.
Fly NYC , et al.; Publisher: Impulse Magazine, Toronto
Fly NYC , et al.; Publisher: Officine Lithografiche, Spigno Saturnia, Ita.
John Holmstrom , et al.; Artist: Humanbeing Lawnmower Magazine, Astoria, N.Y.
W.D. Bickerknocker; Publisher: W.D. Bickerknocker , New York
Tunde Adebimpe; Publisher: Junior College Publishing, New York
Michael Weiss , et al.; Publisher: New York Illustrated, New York
Stefano Zattera , et al.; Publisher: Delirio House, Cornedo Vicentino, Ita.
Joe Biel , et al.; Publisher: Microcosm Publishing, Bloomington, Ind.
Nik Chatfield; Publisher: Weak Publications, Seattle
Seth Tobocman; Publisher: ABC No Rio, New York
Ursula O'Steen , et al.; Publisher: Ursula O'Steen , et al., New York
Heather Watts; Publisher: Heather Watts , Halifax, Canada
Victoria Law , et al.; Publisher: Victoria Law , et al.
The Misled Youth Network; Publisher: The Misled Youth Network , New York
Nathan Cabot Hale; Publisher: Nathan Cabot Hale , New York
David Rees; Publisher: The Berkeley Publishing Group, New York
Ethan Clark; Publisher: Last Gasp, San Francisco
The Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade Collective; Publisher: The Libertarian Book Club, New York
Fly NYC , et al.; Author: Taylor Mead , et al.; Publisher: B. Kold , New York
Justin Melkmann; Publisher: ComiXpress
R. Crumb , et al.; Printer: Grass Roots Press, Raleigh, N.C.; Publisher: Everett Rand , Durham N.C; Publisher: Gioia Palmieri , Durham, N.C.
Fly NYC , et al.; Printer: Officine Lithografiche, Spigno Saturnia, Ita.; Publisher: Andrea Grieco , Spigno Saturnia, Ita.
Eliot K. Daughtry; Publisher: Killer Banshee Studios , Oakland, Calif.
Josh MacPhee; Author: Jamie Heckert; Printer: P&L Printing, Denver; Publisher: Institute for Anarchist Studies
Kurt Wolfgang; Author: Bucky Sinister; Publisher: Kapow!, San Francisco
Mark Plaid; Author: Ryan Parrey; Publisher: Ghoul Stomper, Toledo, Oh.
Mark Plaid; Author: Mark Plaid , et al.; Publisher: Ghoul Stomper, Toledo, Oh.
Mark Plaid; Author: Mark Plaid , et al.; Publisher: Ghoul Stomper, Toledo, Oh.
Mark Plaid; Author: Ryan Parrey; Publisher: Ghoul Stomper, Toledo, Oh.
Greg Ruggiero; Publisher: Open Media Pamphlet Series , Westfield, N.J.
Sylvie LS. , et al.; Editor: Juls Generic; Publisher: The Purple Thistle Center, Vancouver , et al.
Jorga Cardin , et al.; Author: Sophie D. Lux , et al.; Publisher: Public Illumination Magazine, Castel Ritaldi, Italy
Stewart Home; Publisher: Sabotage Editions, London
Fundi; Printer: Union Place, London; Publisher: News From Everywhere, London
Shawn Granton; Publisher: TFR Industries, Portland
Taiji Yamaga; Publisher: U-Do-Sha, Tokyo
showing 100 of 478 results matching medium:"Offset lithography, letterpress; bound volume"
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