%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F ADAGP%2C Paris
Jean Dubuffet; Author: Poems by Eugène Guillevic; Publisher: Les Editions du Livre, Paris; Printer: Mourlot Freres, Paris , (lithos); Printer: Joseph Zichieri , Paris, (text)
%C2%A9Succession H. Matisse%2C Paris %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec; Author: Jules Renard; Publisher: Henri Floury; Printer: Lithographs printed by Henry Stern; Printer: Text printed by Ch. Renaudie; Book Binder: Georges Mercier
Pierre Bonnard; Author: Longus (Sophista); Translator: Jacques Amyot; Publisher: Ambroise Vollard; Printer: Imprimerie Nationale, Paris; Lithographer: Auguste Clot
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F ADAGP%2C Paris
Joan Miró; Author: Tristan Tzara; Publisher: Éditions de la Montagne, Paris; Book Binder: Georges Leroux
Copyright %C2%A9 1926 %C3%89ditions des Quatre Chemins%2C Paris
Robert Delaunay; Author: Joseph Delteil; Printer: Engelmann and Graf (lithos); Printer: L'Imprimerie du Livre (text); Publisher: Éditions des Quatre Chemins, Paris
%C2%A9 Succession H. Matisse %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Henri Matisse; Author: Georges Duthuit; Publisher: TĂ©riade, Paris, France
Copyright %C2%A9 1948 Henri Creuzevault and Dina Vierny%2C Paris
Aristide Maillol; Author: Lucien; Translator: Charles Astruc; Publisher: Henri Creuzevault and Dina Vierny, Paris; Book Binder: Henri Creuzevault
Roger de la Fresnaye; Author: André Gide; Publisher: Nouvelle Revue Français
Pierre Bonnard; Author: Claude Terrasse; Publisher: Anciénne Maison-Quantin Librairies- Imprimeries Réunies
El Lissitzky (Lazar Markovich Lissitzky); Designer: El Lissitzky (Lazar Markovich Lissitzky); Author: Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky; Publisher: Gosizdat , Berlin
Alphonse Mucha; Author: Robert de Fleys; Publisher: L'Edition d'Art H. Piazza et Compagnie, Paris; Printer: L'Imprimerie Champenois
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F ADAGP%2C Paris
Jacques Villon; Author: Paul Valery; Publisher: Scripta et Picta; Printer: Frazier-Soye , (text); Book Binder: O. Saulin
%C2%A9 Succession H. Matisse %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Henri Matisse; Author: Charles Baudelaire; Publisher: La Bibliotèque Française
%C2%A9 Estate Neil Welliver
Neil Welliver; Author: Henrik Ibsen; Translator: Michael Feingold; Publisher: Vincent FitzGerald & Co., New York; Etcher: Printed by Shigemitsu Tsukaguchi; Lithographer: Lithographs printed by Holly Sears; Book Binder: Sara Dochow
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F ADAGP%2C Paris
%C2%A9 Ed Ruscha
Edward Ruscha; Author: Edward A. Foster; Designer: Co-designed by Edward Ruscha; Designer: Co-designed by Edward A. Foster; Printer: Kolorpress, Inc., Minneapolis; Publisher: Minneapolis Institute of Art
Paul Klee; Author: Curt Corrinth; Publisher: Georg MĂĽller Verlag, Munich
Pierre Bonnard; Author: Octave Mirbeau; Publisher: Eugène Fasquelle, Paris
Pierre Bonnard; Author: Pierre Bonnard; Publisher: Éditions de la Revue Verve, Paris
Alois Senefelder; Author: Preface by Fredrich von Schlichtegroll; Translator: Alois Senefelder; Publisher: Rudolph Ackermann
Joseph Pennell; Author: Washington Irving; Publisher: Macmillan and Co., London
Thomas Hart Benton; Author: John Steinbeck; Publisher: The Limited Editions Club
Gay Zhenya; Author: Oscar Wilde; Publisher: The Limited Editions Club; Printer: The Harbor Press, New York , (text); Printer: George C. Miller , (prints)
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec; Author: George Clemenceau; Publisher: Henri Floury; Printer: Chamerot et Renonard
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec , et al.; Publisher: La DĂ©pĂŞche de Toulouse (France)
David Davidovich Burliuk; Artist: Vladimir Burliuk; Author: Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky; Publisher: Futurist Hylaea, Moscow
Aristide Maillol; Author: Serge Lifer, Russian, 1905-1986; Author: Paul Valéry, French, 1871-1945; Publisher: Bordas, Paris, France
Pierre Bonnard; Author: LĂ©on Werth; Publisher: Manuel Bruker , Paris; Printer: Auguste Clot
Auguste Rodin; Author: Octave Mirbeau; Publisher: Ambroise Vollard; Book Binder: Richardot Martin Sr.
Robert Delaunay; Author: Henri de Montherlant; Publisher: L'Arbre Éditions Spes , Paris
Miguel Covarrubias; Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe; Publisher: The Limited Editions Club; Printer: The Harbor Press, New York
Pierre Bonnard; Author: André Mellerio; Publisher: L'Estampe et L'affiche, Paris; Printer: Societé Typographique de Chateaudun
Pierre Bonnard; Author: Pierre Bonnard; Author: Claude Terrasse; Author: Angèle Lamotte; Author: Tériade; Publisher: Tériade
Judy Rifka; Author: René Ricard; Publisher: Joe Fawbush Editions and Solo Press Inc., NY; Printer: Carol Bundy , (typeset); Lithographer: Judith Solodkin
Joan Miró; Author: Robert Desnos; Publisher: Maeght Éditeur, Paris; Printer: Fequet et Baudier, Paris, France , (text)
Jim Dine; Author: Oscar Wilde; Publisher: Petersburg Press Ltd., London; Printer: Atelier Desjobert and Atelier Leblanc, Paris
Pierre Bonnard; Author: Pierre Bonnard; Author: Claude Terrasse; Author: Angèle Lamotte; Author: Tériade; Publisher: Tériade
Larry Rivers; Author: Isaac Bashevis Singer; Translator: Elaine Gottleib and Joseph Singer; Publisher: The Limited Editions Club; Printer: The Anthoensen Press, Portland, Maine , (text); Printer: Water Street Press, Ltd., New York , (Lithographs)
Rockwell Kent; Author: Carl Zigrosser and Rockwell Kent; Printer: The Lakeside Press, Chicago; Publisher: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich Inc., New York
Ronald King; Author: William Shakespeare; Publisher: Circle Press, London
Rockwell Kent; Printer: The Knickerbocker Press, New York; Publisher: G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York
Pierre Bonnard; Author: André Mellerio; Publisher: L'Estampe et L'affiche, Paris
Mark Beard; Author: Harry Kondoleon; Publisher: Vincent FitzGerald & Company, New York
Pierre Bonnard; Author: André Gide; Publisher: Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Francais, Paris
showing 44 results matching medium:"Lithographs; letterpress; bound volume"