Jean-Pierre Norblin de la Gourdaine
Jean-Pierre Norblin de la Gourdaine
Jean-Pierre Norblin de la Gourdaine
Jean-Pierre Norblin de la Gourdaine
Jean-Pierre Norblin de la Gourdaine
Jean-Pierre Norblin de la Gourdaine
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F VG Bild-Kunst%2C Bonn
Otto Dix; Publisher: Karl Nierendorf
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F VG Bild-Kunst%2C Bonn
Otto Dix; Publisher: Karl Nierendorf
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F VG Bild-Kunst%2C Bonn
Otto Dix; Publisher: Karl Nierendorf
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F VG Bild-Kunst%2C Bonn
Otto Dix; Publisher: Karl Nierendorf
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F VG Bild-Kunst%2C Bonn
Otto Dix; Publisher: Karl Nierendorf
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F ADAGP%2C Paris
FĂ©lix Buhot
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F VG Bild-Kunst%2C Bonn
%C2%A9 Yvonne Jacquette %2F Courtesy D C Moore Gallery%2C New York
Yvonne Jacquette; Printer: Anthony Kirk; Publisher: Eldindean Press, New York; Publisher: Yvonne Jacquette
John Marin; Publisher: Alfred Steiglist, Gallery 291, New York
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Henri-Charles Guérard
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F VG Bild-Kunst%2C Bonn
Copyright of the artist%2C artist%27s estate%2C or assignees
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