Frederick G. Smith; Artist: Formerly attributed to Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Artist: Formerly attributed to Frederic James Shields
Frederick G. Smith; Artist: Formerly attributed to Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Artist: Formerly attributed to Frederic James Shields
Frederick G. Smith; Artist: Formerly attributed to Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Artist: Formerly attributed to Frederic James Shields
Frederick G. Smith; Artist: Formerly attributed to Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Artist: Formerly attributed to Frederic James Shields
Antoine-Louis Barye; Caster: F. (Ferdinand) Barbedienne
Copyright of the artist%2C artist%27s estate%2C or assignees
Antoine-Louis Barye; Caster: F. (Ferdinand) Barbedienne
Seth Eastman
Seth Eastman; Designer: after Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes
Seth Eastman
showing 80 results matching james j. hill