%C2%A9 Alvar Aalto %2F Alvar Aalto Foundation
George Adams; Manufacturer: Chawner & Co.; Retailer: J. Turner
George Washington Maher; Manufacturer: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
George Washington Maher; Manufacturer: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
George Washington Maher; Manufacturer: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
George Washington Maher; Artist: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
George Washington Maher; Manufacturer: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
George Washington Maher; Manufacturer: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
George Washington Maher; Manufacturer: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
George Washington Maher; Manufacturer: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
George Washington Maher; Manufacturer: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
George Washington Maher; Manufacturer: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
George Washington Maher; Manufacturer: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
George Washington Maher; Manufacturer: Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Spaulding & Company, Chicago, Illinois
Jean Puiforcat; Maker: Emile Puiforcat Silversmiths
S. Fielding and Company; Maker: Railway Pottery; Maker: Devon Pottery
Waechtersbach Earthenware Factory, Schierbach, Hesse, Germany
S. Fielding and Company; Maker: Railway Pottery; Maker: Devon Pottery
Attributed to John S. Bradstreet; Maker: Grueby Faience Company
Gorham Manufacturing Company; Retailer: Bailey, Banks, and Biddle
%C2%A92001 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
(Ludwig) Mies van der Rohe; Manufacturer: Bamberg MetallwerkstÀtten
Waechtersbach Earthenware Factory, Schierbach, Hesse, Germany
Christopher Dresser; Maker: Heath and Middleton (for Hukin and Heath); Retailer: Hukin & Heath
S. Fielding and Company; Maker: Railway Pottery; Maker: Devon Pottery
Brown, Westhead, Moore and Company
Waechtersbach Earthenware Factory, Schierbach, Hesse, Germany
Waechtersbach Earthenware Factory, Schierbach, Hesse, Germany
Waechtersbach Earthenware Factory, Schierbach, Hesse, Germany
Waechtersbach Earthenware Factory, Schierbach, Hesse, Germany
Waechtersbach Earthenware Factory, Schierbach, Hesse, Germany
S. Fielding and Company; Maker: Railway Pottery; Maker: Devon Pottery
Gorham Manufacturing Company
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