creditline:"Gift of Dr. Gabriel P. and Yvonne M.L. Weisberg in loving memory of Michael D. Michaux"
The Study of Drawing
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Pastel on brown cardboardexpand_more
Gift of Dr. Gabriel P. and Yvonne M.L. Weisberg in loving memory of Michael D. Michauxexpand_more 2019.115.1
The Impressionist Louise Catherine Breslau led a successful, prolific career in Paris as a portraitist and still-life painter. Raised in Zurich, she moved to Paris in 1876 to study at the Académie Julian, which admitted women and was the only art school in Paris that permitted women to draw nude models.
Yves Österlind (1892–1937) was the child of Breslau’s friends, the Swedish painter Allan Österlind and French watercolorist Eugénie Carré Österlind. Breslau executed pastels of each of the three Österlind children between 1900 and 1904. This portrait of nine-year-old Yves, the youngest, shows the fair-haired boy at his desk, sharpening chalk. All three of the Österlind children became artists; Yves was a printmaker.