Sara Varon , et al.; Printer: Quebecor Printing, Montreal; Publisher: Friends of Lulu, Pasadena
Stephen Notley; Publisher: Stephen Notley , Edmonton, Canada
La Mauvaise Troupe; Translator: The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination; Publisher: Éditions de l'Éclat, Paris
Leigha Coonan , et al.; Publisher: Leigha Coonan , et al.
WAIL Collective; Publisher: Art and Revolution, Arlington, W.A.
Stewart Home; Publisher: Sabotage Editions, London
Erica Lee , et al.; Author: Nathalie Atkinson , et al.; Publisher: Broken Pencil, Toronto
Megan Kelso; Artist: Frank Sirk; Author: Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus
Murray Waas; Publisher: Open Media Pamphlet Series , Westfield, N.J.
Unknown; Publisher: ABC No Rio, New York
Sascha Scatter; Publisher: Sascha Scatter
Manning Marable; Publisher: Open Media Pamphlet Series , Westfield, N.J.
Gary Panter; Author: Michael DeCapite , et al.; Publisher: The Poetry Project, Ltd., New York
Jason Skeet , et al.; Publisher: Jason Skeet , et al., London
Johnny Ryan; Publisher: The Small Publishers Co-op, Sarasota
Eliot K. Daughtry; Author: Eliot K. Daughtry; Printer: Killer Banshee Studios
Vince Gargiulo , et al.; Artist: Jill Rapaport , et al.; Publisher: Appearances, New York
Nick Abadzis , et al.; Printer: Quebecor Printing, Montreal; Publisher: Alternative Comics, Gainesville, Fla.
Aaron Cometbus; Author: Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Andrea Neumann , et al.; Publisher: Bullet Space, New York
Franz Nicolay; Publisher: Julius Singer , New York
Kent; Publisher: Bike-Curious, New York
Sue Coe , et al.; Publisher: Leonardo Shapiro
Mad Marc Rude et al.; Publisher: Destroying Angels , Portland
Yolène Legrand , et al.; Author: Anthony Ryals , et al.; Publisher: A Gathering of the Tribes, New York
Bobby Madness; Author: Bobby Madness; Editor: Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Fly NYC; Author: Okra P. Dingle; Publisher: ABC No Rio, New York
Lauren Denitzio , et al.; Author: Melanie Madison; Printer: Footprint Workers Co-op; Publisher: Melanie Madison , Leeds, U.K.
Josemari Velez de Mendizabal , et al.; Printer: Gertu Koop. E.; Publisher: Arrasateko Udala, Arrasate
Michael Bennewitz; Publisher: Reevolv Comixperiments, San Francisco
Dennis Dread , et al.; Publisher: Destroying Angels , Portland
Alyssa Katz , et al.; Publisher: Kim Nauer , New York
William Gillis , et al.
Valerie Haller; Author: Bart Plantenga; Publisher: Lil Dude Graphics, Ocean Grove, N.J.
Daisy Rooks , et al.; Publisher: Positive Press, Chicago
Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Alison Tharp , et al.; Author: Bob Black , et al.; Publisher: C.A.L. Press, Berkeley
David Brody , et al.; Author: Jim Buchanan , et al.; Publisher: Joe Maynard , New York
Deah Bart; Publisher: All Night Productions, New York
Virginia Hoge; Author: Carl Watson; Publisher: Lost Modern Press
Gaetano Brundu , et al.; Publisher: Time + Art, Cagliari, Italy
Sascha Scatter; Printer: Bloodlink Press, Philadelphia
Mary Fleener , et al.; Publisher: Mary Fleener , Encinitas, C.A.
Daisy DeCapite , et al.; Author: Amanda Gardner , et al.; Publisher: Joe Maynard , New York
New York New Abolitionists; Publisher: New York New Abolitionists , New York
Hakim Bey , et al.; Editor: Rev. Sasha K , et al.; Publisher: AmbiTAZ, San Francisco
Courtney Cook , et al.; Publisher: Deer Park High School, Deer Park, N.Y.
Howard Zinn; Publisher: Open Media Pamphlet Series , Westfield, N.J.
Anatoly V. Dubovik; Author: D.I. Rublyov; Translator: Szarapow; Publisher: Kate Sharpley Library, London, Berkeley
Unknown; Publisher: Künstlerhaus e.V, Kempten, Germany
Aaron Cometbus; Author: Aaron Cometbus; Publisher: Aaron Cometbus , Berkeley
Fly NYC; Author: Franz Nicolay , et al.; Publisher: Anti-Social Music, New York
Unknown; Publisher: New York State Department of Correctional Services et al.
showing 100 of 1990 results matching creditline:"Fly Zine Archive, The Mary and Robyn Campbell Fund for Art Books and gift of funds from Mary and Bob Mersky"
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