image of Michael Graves from wikipedia

Michael Graves

Michael Graves was an American architect and principal of Michael Graves and Associates and Michael Graves Design Group. He was also professor of architecture at Princeton University for nearly forty years. Graves, who was one of The New York Five and a member of the Memphis Group, is best known first for his modern and postmodern building designs. Some of his best-known public commissions, such as the Portland Building in Oregon and the Humana Building in Kentucky, became iconic examples of Postmodern architecture. Other notable projects in the United States include a major expansion of the Denver Public Library in Colorado and several buildings for The Walt Disney Company, among others. He also designed buildings internationally. In addition to his postmodern buildings, Graves was a representative of New Urbanism and New Classical Architecture, and was recognized as a major influence in all three movements. Read more from Wikipedia →

Works by this artist in other museums: the Museum of Modern Art in New York.