Hakone, View of the Lake, c. 1832-1833

Utagawa Hiroshige; Publisher: Takenouchi Magohachiexpand_more

Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paperexpand_more

Bequest of Richard P. Galeexpand_more  74.1.262

Not on Viewexpand_more

Hiroshige’s view of Hakone Pass is among his most dramatic scenes, capturing the severe beauty of this rugged terrain. Rising abruptly beside the placid waters of Lake Ashinoko, the mountain presents a mosaic of colored boulders. Attempts by scholars (and other Hiroshige enthusiasts) to locate the spot from which the artist might have obtained this view have failed, so in all likelihood the scene is partly imaginary.

After winning the battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Tokugawa Ieyasu and his military advisers devised strategies to safeguard their stronghold in Edo, from which they ruled the country. They established checkpoints (sekisho) on the major roadways, where all travelers had to present identification. Hakone Pass was one of two sekisho on the Tōkaidō road. In this scene, a feudal lord’s entourage has just begun the downward journey; their hats are visible within the steep-walled pass.

Hakone, View of the Lake
Artist Life
1797 - 1858
Accession Number
Catalogue Raisonne
Ukiyo-e shûka 14 (1981), Hiroshige list, p. 245, horizontal ôban #55.11 Masterpieces from the Japanese painting collection of the Minneapolis Institute of Art ミネアポリス美術館 日本絵画の名品 Cat.62
Curator Approved

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