Round basket in a bandbox shape with cover. The technique is a combination of plain twined weaving (near base), crossed-warp twined (in center), and an alternating checker and twined (at rim). There are bands of false embroidery at the bottom, on the cover, and the rim of the cover. Materials are a foundation of spruce root, with false embroidery of grasses. Design consists of two bands of reversed T-bars in red and purple, and a spiral on the cover in white and two shades of red.

Basket, 19th-20th century

Tsimshian or Tlingitexpand_more

Natural plant fibersexpand_more

Gift of Mrs. C. C. Boveyexpand_more  42.18.86

Not on Viewexpand_more
Accession Number
Curator Approved

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Round basket in a bandbox shape with cover. The technique is a combination of plain twined weaving (near base), crossed-warp twined (in center), and an alternating checker and twined (at rim). There are bands of false embroidery at the bottom, on the cover, and the rim of the cover. Materials are a foundation of spruce root, with false embroidery of grasses. Design consists of two bands of reversed T-bars in red and purple, and a spiral on the cover in white and two shades of red.

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