Market on the Wharf, 1740-1745

Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)expand_more


Gift of Miss Eileen Bigelow and Mrs. O. H. Ingram, in memory of their mother, Mrs. Alice F. Bigelow, 1965expand_more  P.13,327

Not on Viewexpand_more

Canaletto treated this view of the waterside market more casually than his views where major monuments dominate the scene. Here he did not concern himself with the reversal of the image inherent to the process of printing etchings: the church of S. Giorgio Maggiore and its tower, seen in the background, are shown in mirror image. The column seen at the right is the one bearing the lion of St. Mark, a patron saint of Venice.

Market on the Wharf
Artist Life
(Venice), 1697–1768
Accession Number
Catalogue Raisonne
B 20 iii/iv; Dev 17
Curator Approved

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