Cupboard, 1870

Aslak Lie; Sponsor: John Eriksen Engesaetheexpand_more

Painted pine, bronze, porcelainexpand_more

The Julia B. Bigelow Fund, by John Bigelowexpand_more  76.75

Not on Viewexpand_more

This cupboard was made to commemorate the marriage of John Eriksen Engesaethe to Brithe Grinde. It would have been a highly prized possession and likely had a prime spot in their parlor. The Norwegian inscription reads John Eriksen, Brithe Sjurs Datter Engesaethe, Aar 1870 (John son of Erik, Brithe daughter of Sjur, Engesaethe, year 1870).

The Engesaethe family were friends of Aslak Lie, a Norwegian cabinetmaker who had immigrated to the United States in the mid-1800s. Although not signed, this cupboard, made in Wisconsin, is credited to Lie, who had produced stylistically similar works in Norway.



Aslak Lie, Cupboard (#145)
Artist Life
American (born Norway), 1798–1886
Accession Number
Curator Approved

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