Throne seat cover of embroidered imperial yellow silk. Oblong central panel set off from outer area by a running meander in bright dark blue. Central portion of panel has design of large flowers and trailing leaves, bats, double peach, swastika and other good luck emblems on plain ground. Bordering it the ground has an all-over pattern of medallions, lozenges and flowers producing a diaper. The outer border is embroidered with the same large floral and symbol pattern used in innermost panel. Chiefly satin stitch. Colors include shades of blue, pink, green, gray, violet, red, yellow and apricot. Boxed border of medium blue satin; lining of yellow satin. Badly stained by mildew. Cf. 42.8.155. Undoubtedly part of a set.

Throne Seat Cover, Qianlong period, 1736-1795

Unknown artist, Chinaexpand_more

silk, embroideryexpand_more

The John R. Van Derlip Fundexpand_more  42.8.154

Not on Viewexpand_more
Throne Seat Cover
L.62 x W.42-3/4 in
Accession Number
Curator Approved

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Throne seat cover of embroidered imperial yellow silk. Oblong central panel set off from outer area by a running meander in bright dark blue. Central portion of panel has design of large flowers and trailing leaves, bats, double peach, swastika and other good luck emblems on plain ground. Bordering it the ground has an all-over pattern of medallions, lozenges and flowers producing a diaper. The outer border is embroidered with the same large floral and symbol pattern used in innermost panel. Chiefly satin stitch. Colors include shades of blue, pink, green, gray, violet, red, yellow and apricot. Boxed border of medium blue satin; lining of yellow satin. Badly stained by mildew. Cf. 42.8.155. Undoubtedly part of a set.

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