Cloth: cotton; patterned with plaid and katazome (stencil resist)expand_more
The John R. Van Derlip Fund and the Mary Griggs Burke Endowment Fund established by the Mary Livingston Griggs and Mary Griggs Burke Foundation; purchase from the Thomas Murray Collectionexpand_more 2019.20.80
This sleeveless vest is made of joined pieces of cotton with three different patterns, likely the fabric the maker had at hand. The collar and side straps that connect the front and back panels feature a blue-and-white plaid on an orange ground. The shoulders and edges of the back panel are of a fabric dyed indigo and black; it has a stencil-resist technique (katazome) and is decorated with a pattern of bamboo and clouds against a gridwork. The fabric used for the center of the back panel and both front panels shows a pattern of snowflakes and florals on light blue ground, also achieved by katazome.
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