portrait of a middle-aged woman with her head tilted toward PR, wearing a white cap with untied ties

Head of a Peasant Woman, 1874

Léon-Augustin Lhermitteexpand_more

Charcoal and chalk on off-white paperexpand_more

Gift of Dr. Gabriel P. and Yvonne M.L. Weisbergexpand_more  2017.44.8

Not on Viewexpand_more

Léon-Augustin Lhermitte’s sympathetic and informed portrayals of country life proved popular with Parisian audiences. In this accomplished study, we see him treating his humble subject with the same dignity and intense scrutiny that other artists devoted to paying sitters.

The woman’s careworn face reveals inner strength even as her averted eyes suggest world-weary preoccupations. Lhermitte has captured the loose fleshiness of her neck, the hair that refuses to be contained by her bonnet. He took full advantage of the rough texture of his paper, sometimes letting it keep the full load of pigment from the tip of his charcoal, sometimes smoothing over the texture by gently smearing his marks.

Head of a Peasant Woman
Artist Life
Mont-Saint-Père, Aisne 1844–Paris 1925
Accession Number
[Altman/Burke Fine Art, New York until 1990; to Weisberg]; Yvonne and Gabriel Weisberg, Minneapolis (1990–2017; given to Mia)
Curator Approved

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portrait of a middle-aged woman with her head tilted toward PR, wearing a white cap with untied ties

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