oval board with horizontal lines of script on each side; grid on each side with characters in boxes; mounted to black base

Qur'anic writing board, mid 20th century

Unknown artist, Maliexpand_more

Wood, inkexpand_more

The Alpha Gustafson Endowmentexpand_more  2016.71.2

Not on Viewexpand_more

Muslims strongly believe in the healing powers of the Qur’an. Although reading and writing is the main purpose for Qur’anic boards, in some parts of Islamic Africa they are also used by Muslim healers, who write specific verses on them, wash off the writings, and collect the diluted ink. The liquid is given to the sick to drink as holy medicine. This board, furthermore, has numerical “mystic squares” of 4 by 4 on either side that increase its potency. Such mathematical grids, based on the belief in divine relations between numbers and events, are sometimes put to healing purposes.

Qur'anic writing board
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oval board with horizontal lines of script on each side; grid on each side with characters in boxes; mounted to black base

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