bright red clay jar with rounded body; flaring mouth decorated with three vertical clay strips; dark areas on body from firing

Wide-mouthed Jar, 3rd century

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The bulbous body of this jar, probably used to store liquids or grains, swells from a small base and narrows at the neck, which supports a wide, flaring rim decorated with groups of vertical strips. The decoration and proportions of this jar are characteristic of pots from the Yayoi period (300 BCE–250 CE). Objects like this were first discovered in the 1880s at excavation sites near Yayoi-chō, the area of central Tokyo from which the Yayoi period takes its name.

Wide-mouthed Jar
Accession Number
Catalogue Raisonne
Murase, Art through a Lifetime, no. 576
Curator Approved

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bright red clay jar with rounded body; flaring mouth decorated with three vertical clay strips; dark areas on body from firing