man in grey robes seated, facing outward toward viewer; minimal detail; hands and knees seem to vanish into background; inscription UR edge and LL edge

Self-portrait of the Venerable Seisho, 1941

Fukuda Kodōjinexpand_more

Ink on paperexpand_more

Gift of the Clark Center for Japanese Art & Cultureexpand_more  2013.29.1005

Not on Viewexpand_more


Aged seventy-seven.

Following the traditional Japanese age system whereby a child is 1 year old at birth, Kodōjin turned 77 in 1941, an auspicious birthday in East Asia. On the occasion, he painted this self-portrait that pictures him as a young man. He could have painted it in Kyoto or when he was in his hometown of Shingū for birthday celebrations, as attested by a photograph showing him together with ten friends, colleagues, and supporters outside a restaurant.

Self-portrait of the Venerable Seisho
Artist Life
1865 - 1944
Accession Number
Catalogue Raisonne
Marks 2023, no. 94
Curator Approved

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man in grey robes seated, facing outward toward viewer; minimal detail; hands and knees seem to vanish into background; inscription UR edge and LL edge

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