slightly concave bottom; waisted vessel--widest point at waist; wide ring mouth; browns with four tan, light brown and green designs below mouth of floral form inside circle

Vase, 20th century

Hamada Shōjiexpand_more

Glazed stonewareexpand_more

Gift of Stephen Addiss and Audrey Seoexpand_more  2007.99.18

Not on Viewexpand_more


The term mingei, which translates to “folk crafts,” was coined in the 1920s by philosopher and art critic Yanagi Sōetsu (1889–1961). Yanagi, along with potters Tomimoto Kenkichi, Kawai Kanjirō, and Bernard Leach, promoted the reevaluation of crafts, including but not limited to textile, pottery, woodwork, lacquerware, metalwork, and basketry, especially those that had fallen outside of the category of fine arts. In the face of rapid industrialization, the preservation of traditional handmade crafts gained urgency. Yanagi set several conditions for what qualified as mingei. The object had to be practical, made by unnamed artists, created by hand, have regional characteristics, and be affordable.

Artist Life
1894 - 1978
Accession Number
Curator Approved

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slightly concave bottom; waisted vessel--widest point at waist; wide ring mouth; browns with four tan, light brown and green designs below mouth of floral form inside circle

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