desert scene - small village, church and cemetery; mountains with cloudbank above - moon in center of image

Collection Center for Creative Photography%2C University of Arizona %C2%A9 The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust

Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, 1941 (printed 1961)

Ansel Adamsexpand_more

Gelatin silver printexpand_more

Gift of Frederick B. Scheelexpand_more  2007.35.301

Not on Viewexpand_more

Ansel Adams was known for printing numerous unique prints from the same negative. He made at least nine hundred prints of this image, his most familiar, each with dramatically different tonality and contrast, over many decades. A master of the western American landscape, Adams extensively photographed places such as Yosemite Valley, the Sierra Nevada, the Tetons, Yellowstone, and other national parks. A committed outdoorsman and conservationist, he was long associated with the Sierra Club and its efforts to protect the environment. Adams captured this moment while returning to Santa Fe, New Mexico, after an unrewarding day photographing for the U.S. Department of the Interior. A masterpiece in the history of American photography, Moonrise combines the grandeur of the American West with the mundane appeal of rural life, illuminated by a nearly full moon.

Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico
Artist Life
1902 - 1984
Accession Number
Curator Approved

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desert scene - small village, church and cemetery; mountains with cloudbank above - moon in center of image

Collection Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona © The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust

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