Four heavy octagonal legs with casters; legs on short sides connected by a screen of four-sided spindles; long octagonal spindles connect screens

Table, from a dining set, 1904

Frank Lloyd Wright; Maker: Matthews Brothers Furniture Companyexpand_more

Oak, metalexpand_more

Gift of funds from the Regis Corporationexpand_more  99.29.1a-c

Not on Viewexpand_more

Wright designed the George and Delta Barton house and its furnishings to complement the grander house of Delta Barton's brother, Darwin D. Martin. Darwin and brother William E. Martin were two of Wright's most important commercial and residential clients. The Martins awarded Wright nine commissions in Chicago and Buffalo, including the Larkin Administration Building.

The dining chairs that accompany this table resemble other early Wright chairs in having tall backs decorated with narrow vertical spindles connected to a broad crest rail. Grouped around the table, the tall backs create a "room within a room." Soon after the Bartons' house was completed, Delta gave her dining set to her brother William, who commissioned Wright to design a table and chairs for the breakfast room of his Chicago house. Both suites featured the unusual octagonal chair spindles and legs.

Table, from a dining set
Artist Life
Accession Number
Curator Approved

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Four heavy octagonal legs with casters; legs on short sides connected by a screen of four-sided spindles; long octagonal spindles connect screens

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