%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York %2F PICTORIGHT%2C Netherlands

ITF: Internationale Tentoonstelling op Filmgebied, 1928

Piet (Pieter) Zwartexpand_more

Color photolithographexpand_more

The Modernism Collection, gift of Norwest Bank Minnesotaexpand_more  P.98.33.32

Not on Viewexpand_more

Piet Zwart’s poster advertises an avant-garde film festival at The Hague in Holland, with offerings from nine countries. International film festivals were a new attraction in the late 1920s and signaled the emergence of film as a form of modern art. As a designer, Zwart was particularly influenced by the geometric arrangements and primary colors common to the modernist De Stijl movement as well as the avant-garde typographic experimentation of Russian Constructivism.

ITF: Internationale Tentoonstelling op Filmgebied
Artist Life
Accession Number
Norwest Corporation; given to MIA, 1998.
Curator Approved

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© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / PICTORIGHT, Netherlands

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